"On Becoming a Sexologist: Dr. Michael's Story"



“I worry not who will be offended if I speak the Truth;
I worry who will be mislead, deceived and destroyed if I don’t.



On Becoming a Sexologist—My Story,


Accidental Sexologist No More!


Michael Ra Bouchard, M.A., Ph.D.
Double Board Certified Clinical Sexologist



In loving memory of all my dear friends and neighbors
from the French Quarter of 1980's New Orleans


* A nod to DCCA Hawaii for generating the impetus for the writing of this memoir



Published in March 2020; updated in March 2022
(60-65 minute long-read)


Dear Reader,

People often ask how I went about becoming a sexologist. I suppose it’s only natural to wonder, “Just how the heck does a person actually decide on becoming a sexologist anyway?” And perhaps to further inquire, “And is that even a real thing?”

Very good questions!

Let me begin with the second question—yes, the profession of sexology is indeed a “real thing.” It is a science of sexuality that forms a complex body of epidemiological, biomedical, psychological, sociological, anthropological and clinical knowledge.

The cross-disciplinary sexual science of sexology began earnestly in modern times in 1930’s Germany with Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld, an outspoken advocate for sexual minorities, who would later found the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee and World League for Sexual Reform. The results of Dr. Hirschfeld’s efforts, along with the seminal work of Dr.’s Freud, Reich, Ellis, Adler, Bloch, Moll and Horney, all of whom were prominent leaders in their respective fields, propelled the German-speaking world to quickly become the international center of medical-scientific sex research. And the birthplace of two new and distinct professional disciplines, sexology and psychoanalysis.

The field of medical/scientific sex study soon spread to America in the 1940's and 50's, where it quickly established itself as a prominent field of research, primarily due to the gifted influence and strong foundational work of an already renowned entomologist—later destined to become “Father of American Sexology”—the eminent sexologist Dr. Alfred C. Kinsey. Along with his team of highly dedicated sex researchers at the Kinsey Institute, composed of Dr.'s Pomeroy, Martin and Gebhard, these pioneers of American sexology captured the rapt attention of the entire nation with their groundbreaking, celebrated research on the sexual behavior of the human male and female—leaving a rich legacy which is still felt strongly today over 70 years later.

While the publication of their cutting-edge, comprehensive research—entitled Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953)—initially shocked the nation, each book quickly catapulted into phenomenal best sellers, despite being written in highly technical and scientific language, and totally lacking photographs or illustrations. These two books were the Kinsey Institute's first major contribution to the understanding of human sexuality. Moreover, these two monumental volumes—which soon became known simply as "the Kinsey Reports" to avoid embarrassment when asking for them in a library or bookshop—frequently required the printing presses of that era to run 24/7 for weeks at a time in a vain attempt to meet the apparently insatiable demand of the early 1950's public for accurate and informed sexual knowledge! Who knew?

Before completing this segment, allow me to present the most accurate definition of sexology—one that the vast majority of highly educated professional sexologists believe to be entirely proper and best suited for defining our area of expertise—provided to us by none other than Dr. Kinsey himself:


Sexology is the scientific study of what people do sexually

and how they think and feel about it.


In a nutshell, sexologists are recorders and reporters of the facts—what people do, think and feel sexually—and are not judges of the behavior they describe, excepting of course, lawfulness.

And that, dear friends, is the long and short of it.

Now, as for the story of my professional development in the form of a detailed history, be forewarned it’s not exactly a page-turner. To anyone asking, I would report mine was a profession I had essentially found myself “involuntarily conscripted into” with virtually no conscious intention at the time.

I viewed it as a naively made, not particularly well thought out decision on my part; one very much akin to my dozen years earlier, equally naive, not particularly well thought out decision to voluntarily enlist at the tender age of 18 in the United States Marine Corps. Albeit only this time around, mercifully, without undergoing the radical new haircut followed by 13 unrelenting weeks of pure hell dished out non-stop daily for 16 straight grueling hours by fiercely dedicated yet totally-over-the-top Parris Island Drill Instructors!

Perhaps it was fortuitous that my so-called career development evolved serendipitously rather than premeditated from start to finish. Particularly when looking back in hindsight to one late afternoon day, when as a 7th grader I strained and struggled through my advanced calculus after-school study group—for had I then had looking-glass/crystal ball technology to peer into the future—I would surely have ended up in an even bigger world of trouble than I eventually did when each of us was asked by our junior high school principle math tutor about our future professional aspirations. 

Specifically, had I upon my turn boldly forecast becoming a future “sexdoc”—rather than the future “garbageman” I had laughingly blurted out of math frustration for the intended amusement of my fellow knucklehead buddies—guaranteed I would have landed an even worse licking from my very un-amused father later that night than the one whose countdown I had already foolishly initiated in hopes of winning a few cheap schoolboy grins and guffaws.

For you see, my no-nonsense Dad soon learned about my brazen flippancy from our immediate next door neighbor, that very same principle Mr. Plimpton whom—unlike my father—had found my response a hoot and told my Dad as much while passing in front of our homes that evening, expecting Dad to find it equally amusing. However, as Mr. Plimpton would shortly be explaining to me, he instantly regretted doing so upon seeing that my highly-regimented, military man father was anything but entertained by it—quite the contrary. Consequently filled with dismay, Mr. Plimpton rightly realized he had unintentionally just landed that little class clown neighbor of his in hot water.

Conscience-stricken, first thing the next morning that dear man called me into his office and, after carefully closing the door behind us, had me take a seat. He then genuinely apologized for getting me into trouble with Dad, although I countered it was my own fault anyway for acting like a goofball and sneaking a snicker. We both had another good laugh about it before he sent me scooting back to class. Funny thing is, I’ll bet Mr. Plimpton, bless his gentle, sweet-natured heart—and my pals—would have cracked up even more that day had I forecast myself a future sexologist! Yes, perhaps some things truly are best left unknown until such time they happen; in my case, becoming a Doctor of Clinical Sexology, an achievement then not fated to occur for a full quarter-century to come.

As it so happened, the early days of my unplanned career in mental health began in 1981, while putting myself through college and working as a New Orleans Crisis Line and Suicide Prevention Telephone Counselor. Unbeknownst to me then, that period coincided with the newly identified and burgeoning—but still silent and as yet unnamed—HIV/AIDS epidemic just recently being spoken about though only in hushed tones. As a young man of 25-years, doubly equipped with my “Honorable Discharge certificate from the Marines and a freshly minted undergraduate degree in marketing psychology, earned thanks to my G.I. Bill benefits, I was newly relocated from New Hampshire and living in the predominantly—though far from exclusively—gay French Quarter of 1980s New Orleans.

I had completed my four-year military tour of duty the previous year, having been blessed to serve in peacetime as a trombone playing musician in the United States Marine Band. And now here I was, delighting in my good fortune to hear live jazz played daily by original Dixieland Jazz greats, then in their 70’s, 80’s and 90’s, many of whom I had first discovered five years earlier while enrolled as a music major just prior to my military enlistment. Incredibly, in this birthplace of jazz, these same living legends were still making spirited music wafting full-throttle through open doors and windows of neighborhood jazz clubs and into the streets for passerbys to enjoy free of charge.

Many times I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. Just as I and my fellow bandsmen had done several years earlier during a recording session at Disneyland Studios, when the Marine Band accompanied the incomparable jazz virtuoso Ella Fitzgerald as she belted out a specially written new little ditty, entitled—“Happy Birthday, Mickey Mouse”—on the occasion of that world famous rodent’s 50th birthday celebration. Craziest thing is, today that darn mouse is over 90 years old!

It was during this same amiable period that this previously unknown infectious disease also newly arrived on the French Quarter scene, silently skulking in. Medical professionals referred to it by the acronym “GRID”—for Gay Related Immune-Deficiency Disorder—when describing this devastating and essentially previously undetected wasting affliction which officials would soon be calling “AIDS”—for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.

Seemingly springing out from nowhere, this stealth embodiment of death had now quietly surfaced to lay in grim ambush, deftly readying at its capricious whim to zero in upon its hapless targets with deadly accuracy by means of hidden “sniper fire” that would in short order be springing out from everywhere.

Of that pre-crisis time, in retrospect today, you could rightfully say we were blissfully unaware of the incoming tsunami of suffering that was even then rolling in to crush upon us leaving nobody in its wake untouched by its ferociousness.

To make a long story short, over the next five years while earning my second undergraduate degree in the social sciences at the University of New Orleans, I found myself happily living and working as a well-adjusted straight/heterosexual man in an openly gay community amongst thousands of gay friends and neighbors.

I felt right at home in this vibrant and wonderfully eclectic neighborhood of fellow free spirits both gay and straight alike. Albeit at times, uncannily similar to how I imagined the typical looking and acting wholesome “girl next door” blond cousin felt amongst her atypical and equally wholesome yet “decidedly different” looking and acting relatives in the 1960’s era television comedy, “The Munsters.”

Only my journey was also mixed with more than a generous dollop of jazzed-up Alice In Wonderland-like gay cultural disorientation thrown in for good measure! Even so, at the time I considered this “full immersion experience” to be my very own private and unendingly fascinating “sociological study” of a newly liberated and proudly empowered sexual minority community, one never failing to daily crack me up or leave a smile upon my face. Indeed, those were halcyon days. Life was good.

Until early 1982 when everything changed in a flash and our community suddenly found itself under attack. It was then that I and many others—gay and straight alike—alarmingly first began observing a broad swath of our friends and neighbors literally start wasting away before our horrified eyes.

Many throughout our community began appearing on the streets as if wearing an ill-suited death mask, and worse yet, soon after began dying in droves. Even now, all these many decades later, it still pains me deeply when recalling the overwhelming feelings of fright, frustration and, worst of all, the pervasive sense of powerlessness we all felt over slowing—let alone stopping—this ruthless stealth killer.

Only years later would I learn that these extremely powerful emotions were common to those operating in the front lines of this brutal, undeclared war. Especially in the first, often misinformed and little understood early years of this horrifically infectious plague. Stubbornly determined to do more than stand idly watching the never-ending, heart-wrenching deaths of my friends, neighbors and community, I was inspired to begin what would ultimately evolve into a personal lifelong study of human sexuality, sexual health, and behavioral change psychology. 

In early 1982 these efforts lead to my undergoing training as a volunteer safer sex education street outreach first responder within the heavily infected and highly morbidly impacted French Quarter of New Orleans. Over the course of the next five years, in my role as a safer sex education street outreach worker for the New Orleans AIDS (NOAIDS) Foundation, I provided one-on-one sexual health and safer sex education to anyone willing to listen.

I served the straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community as part of a small, yet dedicated and determined army of health professionals working and dearly efforting to stem the tide of this insidious disease. It was a slow slog, and I and my fellow street outreach workers frequently battled our own nagging fears and haunting despair that, despite our best efforts, the results we achieved appeared all too similar in effectiveness to those gained whilst sweeping the ocean tide.

With each passing year ever increasing numbers of men young and old continued to be cut down in the prime of their lives, serving to increase the determination for we first responders on the front line. With little hope on the horizon for a cure, our spirits admittedly at times took a royal thrashing. The pain, fear and suffering we encountered daily, impossible to avoid in our mercilessly devastated community, buttressed my resolve to somehow make a difference in alleviating the pervasive ignorance fueling this immune suppressing health horror show.

Worse yet, it spawned a psychological counterpart second theater of battle—fear—the insidious enemy we in the front lines called “afrAIDS.” After five emotionally brutal years of fighting this uphill, never-ending battle I earned my second undergraduate degree from the University of New Orleans at age 29, having just prior been elected by university faculty for scholarly excellence and awarded a full scholarship to complete my studies at the Universitat Innsbruck Austria as the 1986 University of New Orleans Goodwill Ambassador. Upon returning from Europe after graduation I applied to and was accepted into the University of New Hampshire’s prestigious counseling psychology graduate school the following fall.

Over the course of the next 3 years I would earn a double Masters of Arts degree in Clinical Counseling Psychology, while concurrently researching, designing, implementing and evaluating—all as a one-man band sexual health educator—the first ever HIV/AIDS prevention pilot program on the University of New Hampshire campus. Thirty-five years have now passed since delivering my very first peer-to-peer “safer sex” workshop to fellow UNH students on a crisp autumn evening in 1987. Yet I still vividly remember reading one particular anonymous feedback form collected once they had all filed out following the end of my presentation. Mainly, due to its initially perplexing, admittedly stinging and yet in the long run invaluably insightful comment, namely: “You don’t have to be so serious.”

Taken aback by this unexpected evaluation, I glared silently at that one-liner as my eyes vainly scanned the otherwise blank form for meaning in that now empty room. My initial reaction was, “BUT OF COURSE I DO—don’t I?” as my thoughts raced in genuine anguish and confusion. After all, had I not just come from the besieged battlefront trenches chock full of the dead, dying and shell-shocked walking wounded—myself included?”

And just like that, I stumbled upon the root of my problem. Namely, my own previously unrecognized “war weariness.” Coupled with my as yet undiagnosed PTSD, gained from over five years in the midst of brutally slugging it out in the battered Ground Zero streets of New Orleans against this merciless “take no prisoners” plague.

Hence, unlike at the battlefront where there was no need to “sugar coat” reality to invoke “love glove” compliance with my fellow war weary community members—as we tongue in cheek referred to condoms in the battle-hardened trenches of New Orleans—a profound realization quickly dawned on me that I needed to take a much different tack with this much different college community.

Namely, I needed to focus on both how to be safe and have fun, and do it by using a generous dollop or two of well-placed humor; suffice it to say it was one of those light bulb “aha!” moments in my professional development as a sexual health and disease prevention educator. In retrospect, it all seems so very obvious now, as I would indeed affirm while making over two hundred thankfully much more successful presentations over the next 3 years.

Ultimately, my field research and crisis sexual health education/behavioral change outreach at the University of New Hampshire would evolve into my later published 1989 Master’s Thesis. More importantly, my research would go on to provide an early model to others on researching, designing, implementing and evaluating peer-to-peer HIV/AIDS Prevention Programming on the College and University Campus. Astonishingly, more than 10 years into this worldwide plague, my prototype peer-to-peer safer sex education outreach pilot program was actually one of the very first of its kind programs on any college or university campus within the entire United States.

Subsequently, my dogged efforts in delivering hundreds of safer sex workshops on campus, combined with scholarly excellence in my studies, resulted in an unexpected recognition and honor. Namely, my nomination by the Director of the Counseling Psychology Graduate School, Dr. Angelo Boy, and subsequent election by faculty, to receive an annual award given to one student each year for “applied philosophical scholarship”—the 1988 “Thomas O. Marshall Fellowship” award—from the Department of Education Graduate School at the University of New Hampshire.

Shortly after, in the summer of 1989 just prior to completing my graduate school studies at the University of New Hampshire, I would serendipitously attend what would later reveal itself to be a life-changing event. After reading a mailed promotional flyer passed on to me by a colleague who had rightly surmised I might be interested in attending, I enrolled in an 8-day, 80-hour pioneer HIV/AIDS prevention "train the trainer" seminar soon being held clear across the country 3000 miles away. 

It was expressly designed for sexual health educators/disease prevention workshop leaders like myself, and entitled the “Sexual Health Attitudes Restructuring Program,” sponsored by the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality—a highly respected, one-of-a-kind in the world graduate school for sexology—located in beautiful San Francisco. Together with 50 or so other enthusiastic attendees, composed of dedicated  health educators from a wide variety of helping professions who, like me, had flown in from all across the nation and four corners of the globe hoping to learn how to better fight this pandemic, I received the best sexual health behavioral change intervention training of my life.

Following the end of this cutting-edge “first responder” sexual health behavioral change training—consisting of ten grueling yet exhilarating hours per day of instruction for eight days straight—I felt inspired to apply for enrollment as a full time student. To my great delight, I was subsequently accepted as a clinical sexology Ph.D. candidate at the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, beginning the following January of 1990 immediately upon completion of my Master's degree with honors from the University of New Hampshire in December of 1989 at age 33. And just like that, the next stage of my "just in time" professional development revealed itself in all its perfection—yet again.

As a full time doctoral candidate over the next five years, I would study and attend high-quality lectures given at the Institute by hundreds of accomplished and respected medical and professional healthcare sexuality experts in numerous fields from around the world. It was my good fortune to receive a broad and comprehensive education in a wide variety of specialties, each related to normal and/or abnormal human sexuality ranging from A to Z, including the study of proven, evidence-based solutions for effective sexual health behavioral change. 

Graduating with honors in 1994 at age 37 with a Clinical Sexology Doctorate of Human Sexuality, and armed with a quiver-full of specialized certifications in sexual health and behavior change, I set out to meet my destiny as a newly minted sexologist. Dually specializing in clinical sexology and clinical counseling psychology—expert in all matters of sexuality both healthy and unhealthy, normal and abnormal—I was now well-equipped as a sex therapist and couples counselor to assess, diagnose and provide treatment for most sexual, mental, emotional, and behavioral issues impeding upon my clients intimate health and happiness.

Over the next three decades I would establish a successful worldwide practice as a Double Board-Certified—nationally and internationally—clinical sexologist; sex therapist; love, marriage and couple's counselor; erotologist; worldwide telephone distance counselor for all sex & relationship concerns; Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) counseling specialist; behavior change specialist; sexual health educator; pioneer/first responder HIV/AIDS prevention educator; sex researcher; graduate school professor of counseling psychology and human sexuality; ethics and human morality educator; sex offender relapse prevention specialist; sexual rights and domestic violence prevention advocate; pioneer online counselor and sexual advice columnist; print/radio/television sexual advice expert; published author; speaker; poet, philosopher, and all around positive change agent—while variously based in San Francisco, Manhattan, Maui, Alaska and the Big Island of Hawaii. And the rest, as they say, is history!

As previously noted, while initially having thought of myself as an “accidental sexologist” for the first decade or so of my career, I gradually through squinty-eyes began to perceive many previously unrecognized “chords of destiny” at play. Only in decades later retrospect did I detect a natural synchronicity, a kind of “Cosmic Divine Order” at work beyond my then awareness.

From today’s vantage I easily see the hand of this unseen force directing, and indeed carefully choreographing, my ever-evolving pursuit of knowledge and higher education in ultimate preparation for a career in healthcare specializing in sexual health behavioral change. Namely, within my capacity as a mental health counselor and proud 3rd generation American sexologist. Accidental sexologist no more!

It turns out there was nothing whatsoever “accidental” about my eventually becoming a counseling sexologist. A well-travelled life as a youth was crucial in developing my innate gifts of an open-minded natural curiosity, nonjudgmental observational skills, and inborn acceptance of multiformity and diversity. All of which contributed to my accumulation of the virtues of care and concern, kindheartedness, helpfulness, compassion, empathy and soul-driven determination to be of service to others and fulfill my God-given potential by perfectly preparing me for my longtime career as a sex researcher, counselor, and sexual health educator. 

I am humbled to follow in the gigantic footsteps of many distinguished pioneer American sexologists, some of whom I was fortunate to meet, work with and learn from over the years. Including having been privileged to personally study under the aegis of two widely acknowledged founding giants in the field of sexology: Dr. Kinsey's right hand man and fellow pioneer sex researcher, the late Dr. Wardell B. Pomeroy; and acknowledged Father of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy” (REBT) and founder of the prestigious Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, eminent psychologist and esteemed sexologist, the late Dr. Albert Ellis.

As a well-seasoned sexologist today, I pray through God’s Grace to continue being worthy of helping clients manifest their harmonious, whole and healthy perfected self. Specifically by assisting them in identifying and releasing—and when required, challenging, disputing, refuting, reframing, reprogramming and healing—their mental and emotional attitudes of all self-sabotaging programs and unhealed patterns, deceptive and defective social programming, ruminating negative thinking, resentments, grudges, regrets, co-dependency, emotional wounds, traumas, and wrong conclusions.

All of which cause otherwise avoidable pain and suffering in our lives and relationships until they are appropriately addressed, reharmonized and healed, and whenever necessary, forgiven and released. These are the winning strategies necessary to effectively deal with our emotional, mental, physical, social and spiritual maladies, thereby leveling life’s playing field to go forward with greater ease and increased positive expectation in our daily living. Only henceforth without being constantly seized in the clutches of fear, doubt and negativity.

Bringing us to current times—which once more finds humanity, in what I can scarcely believe is now 40 years later, struggling yet again in the midst of another worldwide pandemic—as I begin to approach the final winter stage of my long and fruitful career as a sexual scientist, health educator and behavioral change expert. Though I've come a very long way from my early days as a volunteer first responder fighting the then new HIV/AIDS pandemic in the French Quarter streets of circa 1982 New Orleans, the memories of those days both happy and sad, and especially of the countless dear friends and neighbors that I witnessed dying firsthand during those dreadful years, have never faded from my mind. Truth be told, I expect they never will.

And while I rarely speak of it publicly (never before until now), in a profoundly personal way you could rightly say that ever since that God-awful decade I have dedicated my life in service as a sexologist to the memory of all my dear friends and neighbors ruthlessly struck down far too early by this death-sentencing disease—for I will never forget them. I will also never forget all I learned from my time within this vibrant community, both about living and dying, not the least of which was the importance of being true to thine own authentic self and subsequently giving yourself permission to “Let your freak flag fly!” To each their own; knock yourself out.

It’s a lesson I quite literally took to heart, as four decades later finds me a proud patriot flying my very own scarlet and yellow official USMC freak flag—complete with eagle, globe and anchor—fluttering directly under "Old Glory" and waving in the wind from a 25-foot flagpole planted smack in the middle of my wife's front yard flower garden.



 And while it can still quickly bring a tear to my eye when recalling this emotionally devastating period, as indeed it has more than once during the course of writing this deeply personal article, experience has revealed that it is within the citadel of my cranium crammed chock full with memories of easy camaraderie and frequent laughter—paradoxically even during the pandemic—that provides the best bunker from which to beat back bouts of bereavement. This hard-won “looking on the upside” approach never fails to bring me comfort when needed—for even through tears, my cherished memories of those good times crack me up or crease a smile upon my face—exactly as they did so long ago “back in the day.”

For you see, the 1980's was a brief yet glorious time when many people composing an oppressed sexual minority had not just found but actually come to personify the laissez les bon temps rouler (Cajun French for let the good times roll”) philosophy. This was largely due to the French Quarter’s never ending, over-the-top, year-round Carnival-like atmosphere, coupled with a social mindset where tolerance—and genuinely respectful acceptance—of diversity, along with a general attitude of permissiveness for living large in every realm, was not only common but indeed the rule. And so it is within this precious treasure chest full of heartwarming memories of this time that I turn to whenever I am in need of refuge from these long ago yet still aching losses, simply by recalling those happy, newly liberated times.

I’ve also since discovered that doing so also goes a long ways in helping to balance my sadness and smooth over the rough edges around the forever unfillable hole in my heart created by their long ago departure from this Earth. Surely they and the countless good men and women whom have since died from this merciless disease all around the world are still dearly missed by their friends and loved ones. I know I still miss them; may God bless and rest all their beautiful souls.

Viewed from today's vantage, had an even-handed evaluation of the situation been taken then from all the residents within my French Quarter community during that tempest tossed 1980’s decade, I like to think the vast majority of us would fully concur Charles Dickens famous, all-inclusive appraisal of a similarly mixed-bag, bygone era made well over a century earlier:

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way - in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.”

Permit me now to close this portion with a personal aside, for all the previous recollecting has brought to mind the following brief and pertinent anecdote, to wit: My verbally reserved career Marine father never said much to me about my own career choice, until one day at a family gathering at my folks Maui home I overheard a friend ask him point blank just what he thought about the field of work his son “the sex doc” had chosen. Naturally curious as to what he would say, I leaned in to hear my now retired military Dad reply in his typical New England laconic manner without missing a beat, “Well, I guess somebody's got to do it; I’m just glad it’s not me.”

You just can’t make this stuff up! No Sir, this coming from a tough as nails true American superpatriot, highly decorated Marine infantryman Master Gunnery Sergeant Fred Bouchard—a 30-year active duty combat veteran of not just one but of two brutal ground wars, Korea and Viet Nam—who saw it all first hand, upfront and up close, yet somehow amazingly coming through it both times without a scratch. Who would willingly rather face literal enemy rapid fire machine-gun bullets and incoming bombs bursting in air under the most hellish of conditions—for real—than listen to woebegone miserable mortals suffering from sexual dysfunction and marital strife from the comfort of an overstuffed chair

Putting it mildly, keep in mind that due to a Marine infantryman's hazardous job description, it is not without sound rationale that some smart-ass Navy sailors have been known to refer to Marines as “Bullet Stoppers” although—if they've got a lick of sense in their sailor-capped heads and don't want their pretty-boy white uniforms getting all messed up—it's usually quietly muttered under their breath behind our backs!

Upon further reflection and to come full circle in regards to my thoughts regarding my Dad's career choice, I now quote none other than that very same incongruently mild-mannered, sagacious modern day gladiator father of mine, “Well, I guess somebody's got to do it; I’m just glad it’s not me.” To each their own; knock yourself out. A score of years later following that picnic, after a long happy retirement with my Mom, and having lived an honorable and full life—unlike many of his long fallen comrades in arms with whom he had faithfully served—my fine American father passed away peacefully in bed. Surrounded by his loving family and devoted life partner of over 60 years—his beloved, supportive and demurely self-sacrificing career military wife, Lucille—he died exactly on his 79th birthday, like some kind of ultimate yogi guru or something. Semper fi, Yogi Dad!

And while it's been over 25 years since that memorable family gathering, the recollection of Dad's authentically unvarnished response that day never fails to crack me up! Looking back on it today, fate clearly had a hefty hand in foreordaining my future. Including determining the tropical local to which I would eventually return as a middle-aged professional, eager to build my new counseling sexology practice—now fully equipped with four university degrees—and settle in for the long haul to make my stand.

Only this time I would arrive by jet liner rather than by ocean liner. Indeed, when events leading up to my eventual return—after an absence of nearly 30 long years—are recalled and reviewed from the vantage of my earliest memories as a toddler throughout my youth and early adulthood as the Number One Son of an early 1950's through early 1980’s active duty, rightfully proud and thoroughly dedicated career Marine professional warrior, my eventual homecoming now seems anything but “accidental.” In hindsight, fate had always been guiding me step-by-step towards a well-defined destiny. Apparently, events in life correlate and synchronize in astonishing ways—nothing in life is by chance.

Quite the contrary, actually. As shortly would be revealed to me at the end of a long, six hour San Francisco originating flight upon which I was jetting over to Maui in late 1993 to attend my kid brother’s wedding. I was returning to the Islands for the first time since leaving Hawaii as a boy with my Mom and baby sister nearly 30 years earlier in late 1965, soon after seeing Dad off from the pieralongside countless other families with sobbing wivesas he and his battalion suddenly shipped out of Pearl Harbor on a Navy troop ship with the official first contingent of 3000 combat unit U.S Marines. Unknown to everyone then, they were destined to shortly make the first amphibious landing on the beaches of a very exotic sounding, far off landnamed Viet Nam.

As the flight crew began making preparations to land I sat absorbed in quiet reverie, fondly recalling that long ago journey when just the three of us had flown back to the mainland in a propeller-powered aircraft to rejoin our New Hampshire extended family while awaiting our eventual joyful reunion with Dad a little over a year later. Lost in my thoughts, I distinctly remember being snapped back to the present by a most melodiously assuring professional pilot's voice announcing, Ladies and gentlemen, if you look out the window to your left you can see the Hawaiian Islands.” Naturally, I quickly scooted across the aisle to the empty left side seats for a look out, and just as my eyes laid upon them I suddenly heard a booming voice that seemed much too close-by suddenly exclaim, “I'm home!”

So jarring in fact was this intrusion into my personal space that I immediately glanced over my shoulder to see who the heck had just uttered it, only to discover that there wasn't a single soul anywhere near me. To my great shock, it quickly dawned on me; that very assured proclamation had spontaneously originated from none other than myself! Indeed, my never ceasing to amaze me Spirit had literally just given an enthusiastic shout-out to inform me that I had now come full circle.

Shoots, just recalling that magical moment as I now write this sentence has me yet again filling up with emotion. For to my great surprise, while happily gazing down upon those beautiful islands upon the end of that memorable flight over the vast Pacific Ocean, a boundless joy had flooded my soul causing me to suddenly realize—without a shred of doubt even after all those many years away—that I had indeed come back home.

You see, like all military families, my proud patriotic Dad and his likewise proud patriotic family were routinely uprooted and relocated every few years to new duty stations in a slew of states extending from California to Virginia to Maine and beyond. Including once setting sail for Hawaii from enchanting San Francisco Bay in early 1962 as a wide-eyed four-year old lad. I clearly recall standing topside with my family on a circa 1950's Matson ocean liner and cruising under the distinctive reddish-orange Golden Gate Bridge before navigating the vast Pacific ocean over the next five glorious days of puffy cloud-filled skies at sea. Entering busy Pearl Harbor, a team of tugs met and guided us past the recently dedicated USS Arizona Memorial to our ship’s berth.

While that was 60 years ago, I remember it like yesterday. I had arrived in style at my father's new duty station, where over the next four years I would be blessed to wondrously spend my formative years—and decades later, to meet and marry my native born wife and make my permanent homehere in my beloved Hawaiian Islands.

In the end, our family would pack up and move from one state to another over a dozen times to new towns and schools beginning shortly after my birth until I turned 18. Having fully embraced the peripatetic lifestyle within my familial bloodline, that 1970's four-year hitch of mine in the Marine Corps may have been every bit as inevitably fated as my eventually becoming a sexologist. Whoever woulda thunk it?

Then again, I was actually given an inkling of things to come a half-dozen or so years earlier. Specifically, one late afternoon in the latter 1960’s after having unexpectedly popped into my father's place of work at the U.S. Custom's House on the U.S/Canadian border in rural, way upstate sleepy Ogdensburg, New York (where umpteen dairy cows far outnumbered people) hoping to catch a ride home following a junior high band parade practice. To occupy my time while waiting for him to finish for the day, my Marine Corps recruiter Dad sprang the Marine’s official aptitude entrance exam as a “pop quiz” on me for kicks.

He then left me alone sitting quietly at a small table filling in answers from inside a large hallway storage room around the corner from his third floor recruiter office, all the while as I frequently glanced up from my test and out the large wide open French windows directly in front of me. For just beyond—less than 100 yards from where I sat, in full unobstructed view from my elevated perch—lay an enormously distracting never-ending parade of colossal ocean freighters in glorious motion!

And seemingly all at once letting loose a clamorous cacophony of fog horn blasts, toots and whistles hitting every note on the scale, as each purposefully made their way up and down the nearly two miles wide ocean-inland shipping channel mighty St. Lawrence River Seaway elegantly comprising the American and Canadian border. Incredibly, in spite of my eyes having been hopelessly glued to all the mesmerizing river activity in view, I somehow still contrived to finish that long test only a few moments before Dad’s return an hour or so later to retrieve and score it.

I will never forget the strange “who are you?” look my father gave me—as though I had suddenly sprouted a set of antennas—upon his return after scoring it. In all sincerity and gravitas of speech, despite still wearing that peculiar grin on his face, he briskly strode over while warmly extending his right hand to his then 90 pound dripping wet 12-year old son for a hearty handshake while booming, “Congratulations! You passed the aptitude entrance exam and now qualify to join the Marines.”

We shook hands as I laughed and said a ride home was more of what I had in mind, then promptly forgot all about it—or so I’d thought anyway.

At the time, I had no inkling how dropping by Dad’s Marine Corps recruiting office on that and many other days after school waiting to catch a ride home during the height of the Viet Nam war was profoundly influencing my life trajectory—while sitting quietly in a corner in eye-popping awe and wonderment observing a never-ending procession of lion-hearted Marine candidates representing an extraordinarily brave and patriotic generation of young men coming in to voluntarily enlist, despite knowing full well they would shortly be heading for Southeast Asia straight into harm's way. Where indeed, tragically, many of them would be killed or wounded and all forever changed; may God bless and comfort every one of these selfless American heroes.

All the more reason for amazement over my own voluntary enlistment a mere six years later, after again passing that same aptitude test, although thankfully under much less distracting circumstances.

For neither Inor my soon to be beaming from ear to ear, dignified ramrod bearing with war weathered face, impeccably spit and polished, Marine Corps Dress Blues arrayed, combat medal-bedecked, highest enlisted rank in the Marine Corps Master Gunnery Sergeant old-timer father in well-pleased parade ground Graduation Day audience attending his still wet behind the ears yet equally bursting with pride son's graduation with distinction and meritorious promotion to Private First Class from Marine Corps Boot Camp—ever saw that one coming!

Topping it all off, although much to my young self-conscious chagrin at the time, shortly before my 1975 departure for Boot Camp three months earlier our local statewide newspaper had itself a field day with this genuinely uncommon event. Specifically, by sending over a staff photographer to record and, following my graduation, publishing a large photograph of the grizzled, buzzcut, and crisply uniformed combat vet Marine Recruiter solemnly administering the military Oath of Enlistment to his boyish-faced, longhaired, and civilian sweater clad brand-new Marine Recruit/18-year old son as he likewise solemnly swore with right hand upraised to “…Support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

Pretty cool looking back on it now as a grizzled “old guy” myself close to 50 years later. What's more, I have never unsworn that oath.

The ebullient happiness I felt that Marine Boot Camp Graduation Day has been eclipsed but one time since—and not by any of my four university graduation days to follow—but rather by wedding my precious wifey, Noelani. All the same, that very special Parris Island South Carolina military graduation day with my whole family from New Hampshire in attendance will always be one of the greatest highlights of my life.

Dad and I would serve the next four years as father-son active duty Marines. It was really great—but that's another story for another time. What matters most about this dual set of so-called “accidental occurrences” is that I'm the better man for it today—twice over.          

Thus ends my pertinent digression into my military family background, and its subsequently profound influence to this very day upon my generally unflappable demeanor, overall relaxed yet duly respectful formality, and mild-mannered character development. All of which continues to serve as grist for the mill in preparing me well for Life, in all its dignity and dirt. Funny enough, when looking back on it now, I can't imagine it happening any other way.

And so without further ado, that about wraps up this much more revealing story than I had originally set out to write about my journey of becoming a sexologist.

However, I would like to add a quick postscript before moving on to the next section. Long ago I promised myself never to write an autobiography, being by nature decidedly introverted and a rather private sort of person with a pronounced aversion to the limelight or of drawing attention to myself.

And yet, over-imagination blessed fellow that I nonetheless am, for personal amusement over the years I would occasionally jest with my wife and close friends that IF I had ever written my life story, I fancied simply entitling it, “My Life” along with a never ending list of running gag subtitles, including one of my following Top 3 picks: “User Error”—or—“Unclear on the Concept”—or possibly my personal favorite, and definitely most apropos caption to this present literary undertaking“It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time.

Case in point: 

The writing and publication of this inadvertently soul-baring, professional memoir; whatever was I thinking!?

*        *        *

Going forward in this present 2020 worldwide pandemic, I remain committed and inspired as ever to be in service to all by empowering my fellow brothers and sisters across the globe in whatever capacity I am able. Joining forces with countless dedicated professionals and unsung heroes in all the helping professions, it is my firm intention to continue helping to bring about a better, brighter, more beautiful future for Humankind by making a positive difference in the world through the virtuous circle of service to others. In my case, by professionally providing accurate, informed and sex positive sexual health education, nonjudgmental counseling, and unconditional positive regard—which by any other name, is simply known as love.

Nevertheless, just so we're clear—as all of Dr. Michael's counseling clients quickly come to learn—we're a team, and while I'm here to do all I can to help straighten anyone's crooked thinking, when it comes to improving your own personal situation in this life it’s still YOU who has to do the heavy lifting! As you have learned by now, I'm not one to candy-coat things. What else would you realistically expect coming from a long time student and practitioner of the popular 1960's and 70's era, point blank yet genuinely compassionate “tough love” philosophy—especially when delivered by a former Marine/turned no-nonsense counselor?

Speaking of no-nonsense—

Allow me to now present my so-called preferred pronouns: 


In my view, to expect everyone to remember your so-called personal pronouns—let alone demand they repeat this divisive patent nonsense as though it's not a delusionary mental disorder—is the height of arrogance and entitlement. It frankly strikes me as nothing more than a heaping shovelful of narcissistic mass formation psychosis.

No one has the right to regulate somebody else's words.

'Nuf said—don't even get me started about this annoyingly self-indulgent and vainglorious fake “gender pronouns” gibberish—now everybody snap out of it!

Be assured my intention is not to personally insult or to in any other way disrespect anyone. Nevertheless, I urge those to whom this delusory charade applies to do everyone—including you—a big favor and get over yourself already.

While I'm at it, this is as good a time as any to ask that you kindly permit this old-school, professionally educated, trained, and 35+ years practicing Clinical Counseling Sexologist and Professor of Human Sexuality & Psychology to unequivocally affirm the following scientific fact, seeing as how the matter has become utterly muddled in recent years—almost beyond all repair.

Hence, for the record—

All fanciful thinking aside—read that as thinking not based on fact—technically speaking, as scientifically determined by DNA, there are three and ONLY three human genders:  male and female, representing over 99.9% of all births and—exceedingly rare at less than .1% of all births—intersex, also referred to as Developmental Sexual Disorders (DSD).

And that’s it.

Even so, there exists valid reason for arguable debate whether or not intersex/DSD is a legitimate “third gender” genetic mutation, or whether it is simply “variations of sex characteristics” of either male or female binary sex.

Being that I am not a trained biologist I shall leave the genetic experts to sort it out, as my primary gender concern in this article is with Gender Ideology. 

Gender refers to a person’s natural, God-given biological and genetic make-up established at conception. In plain-speak, gender is the state of being male or female.

Despite what you are intentionally being mis-lead to believe by cultural and family destroying, agenda-driven psychopathic tricksters and their clueless army of non-critically thinking “useful idiot” minions—regrettably including many overly trusting, well-meaning yet misinformed professionals—gender is unequivocally not a matter of choice nor a “preference” nor in any other way mutable.

On the contrary—gender is a fixed, not subject to change unalterable matter of destiny by birth—DNA solely determines one’s sex. And no amount of hormones or surgery or cross-dressing can override it. At the most, these interventions feminize boys and men, and masculinize girls and women. Nor is it a matter for debate—the data is incontrovertible—any claims otherwise are just patently untrue. No matter how insistently or loudly anyone brays, gender is not a social construct.

To settle this matter once and for all, I now present the following example of sound logic, as succinctly deduced over 150 years ago by none other than the deeply esteemed, ever level-headed logician Mr. Abraham Lincoln, who was fond of asking: “How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn’t make it a leg.”

A person can “identify” as whatever they like till blue in the face but in the end “identify” is nothing more than code for “I’m pretending to be.” Likewise, for the sake of argument regarding so-called “gender fluidity,” I would add that no matter how you slice and dice it—or whatever other kind of false premise and flat-out wrong magical thinking is employed to have you believe otherwise—it simply ain’t so! With rare exceptions, people trying to be something other than what they are by Nature is a tragic mind sickness.

Precisely as intended by the immoral “puppet masters” pulling the strings from behind the curtain, sowing seeds of chaos and confusion triggering an identity crisis that disrupts familial and social conventions to further their wider, evil-minded agenda. These are peculiar psychopathic personalities who flourish and delight in man's misery and confusion.

I will elaborate later. For now, what you must understand is that the major Malevolent Plan of these demonic puppeteers and their sociopathic minions targets our children by redefining sexuality in order to destabilize and destroy marriage and the nuclear family.

By degrading and demolishing the stable institution of the nurturing traditional family—the building block of human society and the basic unit of social stability—the wicked controller’s intention is to abolish traditional morality and its corresponding healthy heritage, then replace it with their own immoral beliefs and corrupt heritage. And in the process, drag human behavior to previously unimaginable lows while dividing and destroying American society. In plain-speak, our American way of life is now under attack like never before in the entire history of our country!

For now, to anyone mistakenly taken in by all the ongoing delusional gender hocus-pocus mumbo-jumbo currently being widely disseminated as factual, despite it being outright lies and propaganda, in this ongoing war upon truth and common sense—through legacy media and online social media platforms, and within many of our so-called educational institutions aka indoctrination zones from grade school to graduate school—it's time to face reality! It deeply pains me to report you have been treacherously tricked and are living in an evilly twisted and fractured fairy tale dream that is absolutely not going to end well for you.

For in reality—actual reality and not corrupted false reality—life is too damn short to live in namby-pamby land. To anyone presently so mentally and emotionally compromised as to now find yourself “triggered” by my above shout out to this inane brainsickness, for that is what it is, you need to thump yourself alongside the back of your head as many times as necessary until you get over it. For real.

In short, you have been mind-control psychologically conditioned to react with self-righteous indignation and outrage to anyone that contradicts this insidiously deceitful, meticulously calculated, misdirecting “thought malware” programming. These delusions, once carefully implanted, are difficult to correct. The end goal of this mass delusion mind-control is to induce you to act as a delusional—read that as un-adapted to reality—obedient machine.

As keenly perceived by the eminent thought control and brainwashing WWII-era research scientist Dr. A.M. Meerloo in his seminal 1956 publication, The Rape of the Mind: “Any influence which tends to rob a person of their free mind can reduce them to robotism. Any influence which destroys the individual can destroy the whole society.” He further warns, “Humankind’s innate laziness and resistance to the hard labor of thinking makes it relatively easy to manipulate us with words.”

To the ruling elite puppeteers operating in the shadows, words are “conditioners” and “emotional triggers” serving to imprint their desired reaction pattern upon those hearing them. Simply put, the use of so-called “trigger words” are designed to bring up a reservoir of dark feelings, that in turn leads to a negative reaction on behalf of the hearer.

This includes thought malware trigger programming that conditions people to reflexively deploy the menticidal—read that as brainwashed—nuclear option of so-called “cancel culture” through shaming, shunning, penalization, and censorship against anyone with differing views than their own. How lame is that?

So much for the inclusively accepting philosophies of “to each their own” and “different strokes for different folks,” both of which reigned socially supreme when I grew up in the latter half of the much more tolerant of differences previous century. And I ain't exactly ancient—not quite yet, anyhow!

As if we absurdly ever could—let alone deludedly ever conclude we have the right to—act out in a manner that attempts to “erase or cancel” another person's humanity or otherwise curtail their freedom of expression simply because we don’t agree with it. News flash: It’s called freedom of speech! Free speech and the free exchange of ideas and opinions requires everyone to engage with ideas which we may not like, while also extending tolerance to words and beliefs we may dislike, or that challenge and or otherwise unsettle us. And in the end, it’s how we build bridges and learn from one another.

By the same token, and completely contrary to current mis-guided so-called “progressive” cultural doctrine, unbridled indulgence in your emotions when you don't get your way is simply infantile and definitely not the answer. On the contrary, rather than immaturely shrieking, pitching a fit and wailing like a baby, you need to get a grip, elevate your gaze, and raise your standards. Or in other words: Grow up! Fully formed—read that as psychologically and emotionally mature—adults treat each other with kindness and respect, and certainly not with hostility and disrespect.

Likewise, it has been rightly noted that fully formed adults accept as much responsibility as possible for our individual life, for society, and for our world by telling the truth, by repairing what is in disrepair or broken down and by creating anew. Healthy adults strive to behave virtuously, to develop their power of vision and direction, and to expand their capacity for full reciprocity. Indeed, it is by determining how to act towards our self and others that we are most likely to become and stay a good person and, in our own unique way, make the world a better place for everyone.

For in one way or another, what the world needs more now than ever is for each of us to transform and redefine our personality so as to personify kindness, starting by extending genuine tolerance to others with different philosophies than our own, as in “live and let live.” Granted, it is asking a lot, and yet, how can we ask any less of ourselves? Especially when the result of each of us living properly is that we all collectively flourish.

In the process, we discover how painless it is to ourselves and respectful it is of others, plus how liberating it feels once we free ourselves from any and all the misguided bigotry we've somehow acquired. And for any relentless hardheads out there still insisting on canceling” something, I urge you to “Cancel cancel culture!”—by replacing harshness with a gentler better angels of our nature much more humane “kindness culture.” In other words—everybody relax!—and while you're at it, for goodness’ sake, be kind and show everyone respect.

For anyone who may have forgotten—or regrettably never learned—it’s called civility. As all of us can haplessly attest today, countless examples of in-civility abound in our presently devolving culture—ranging from the ubiquitous dropping of vulgar “F-bombs” to careless and ungracious “anything goes” profanities and other crudities of speech and behavior that resultantly slime both speaker and listener alike. The words we use influence our behavior in daily life, and additionally determine the thoughts we have. Hence, a good place to start practicing civility is by carefully minding your mouth and your manners. Character is formed by our daily decisions, both small and large, which in turn subsequently shape the person we become. Ultimately, it remains for us to choose civility over incivility.

Civility is the courteous acknowledgement that the thoughts and feelings of other people also matter. It is the expression through the vital elements of our behavior and speech which form the foundation of civility—and personal dignity. Civility reminds us that we should not just say or do whatever we like or the first thing that comes into our head, but rather as a matter of self- and other-respect, that we should endeavor always to be mindful—read that as respectful—of other people’s feelings and sensibilities.

It isn’t hard to do. On the contrary, it simply requires that we practice the fundamentals of civility—respect, mutuality and trust—and effort to bring out the authentic best in ourselves by curbing our narcissistic self-centeredness and paying greater attention to others. Especially in our conduct towards those with whom we may disagree vigorously or otherwise possess very different philosophies than our own.

Object lesson:  Taking offense is a choice. In my counseling practice I gently yet firmly encourage those with the hair-trigger habit of being easily offended to straighten out their reactive “crooked thinking” and thereby stop upsetting themselves to everybody’s betterment. Stubbornly refusing to be reactive requires those taking offense to work on increasing their emotional intelligence by actively practicing tolerance of others. It further requires learning to live and let live with dignity and respect, as has been practiced by every generation of Americans going all the way back to our country’s founding. Let us effort to be more understanding and less judgmental of one another.

Once again, it isn’t hard to do—for at the end of the day, goodness begets goodness. Simply effort consistently to personify tolerance, acceptance, nonjudgmentalness, and respect. While you are at it, strive to connect in peace and sow the seeds of love, unity and compassion with everyone you meet. With a little practice, before you know it you'll be doing it on your head! When it comes to fostering mutual respect and kind regard, nothing beats the Golden Rule of giving what you want to get: Treat people the way YOU want to be treated. A good place to start is by ceasing to bash others who think, look, or act differently than you.

Prime example: To anyone now reading this essay fuming with your undies in a knot (hopefully not many) or otherwise “taking offenseover anything thus far stated—seriously?!—perhaps while muttering a few choice words regarding how the good doctor must surely be a xenophobe, homophobe, transphobe, sexist, classist, ableist, bigot, redneck or whatever other kind of clichéd and misinformed, know-nothing in-tolerant epithet you believe yourself justified in labeling me, for goodness' sake pull yourself together and stop wasting your time.

Pejorative words hurled my way won't bother me a bit. Truth is I've been called far, far worse by far, far better in unforgettable terms only those proud few having had the masochistic privilege of being a Marine recruit can ever appreciate—nose tip to nose tip, hat brim to hat brim—courtesy of in-your-face, wild-eyed, verbally colorful Marine Drill Instructors. So before letting loose, take a step back to rightfully reconsider your groundless assault upon my character.

Honestly, how anyone reading this heartfelt, human-interest account of my personal and professional character development over the decades could be more wrongheaded regarding my sincere motivations for voicing alarm over this despicable gender infighting—suffice it to say—they don't know me. To those whose doubts persist, suit yourself.

Case in point: As a young straight man in my 20's, I took on a multi-decade social advocate role in the lengthy struggle for gay equal rights heart and soul. Yet now today, as a 65-year-old senior citizen, I watch completely horror-stricken as the radical ideology now dominating the so-called “trans movement” stridently insists that gender itself be “erased”—a demand striking most Americans as “nutty, unfair and dangerous”—which in turn is causing a backlash against hard-won LGBT rights.

To anyone curious about my lifetime commitment to sexual equality for all, yo u are encouraged to review my many essays on the subject via the below link to my “Sexual Rights are Human Rights” webpage located within my counseling website's Free Archive: http://lovekindly.com/archive.html

Be assured I am far from full of myself. Generally, I am a mild-mannered, rather unassuming person with much to be unassuming about. All the same, I have accrued over 50,000 hours of practice, study and research in the subjects of normal and abnormal human psychology and human sexuality over the last 40 years—with all due respect, what about you?

In any event, no affront taken. I am telling you now—with a wide smile stretching across my face—that even a .50 caliber depleted uranium projectile won't pierce this former Marine/no-nonsense counselor's steel-plated psychological armor! But that's just who I am and how I roll. And so yet again I ask—but what about you?

For you see, unlike many grown adults in western society today who have pathetically, in my “calls ‘em as I sees ‘em” unmitigated assessment, abandoned any and all self-respect—by lackadaisically default-devolving into a “victim”—my personal feelings sure as heck aren’t fashioned out of delicate hand-stitched gossamer. On the contrary, they are constructed of blast furnace-forged high tungsten steel. Without mincing my words—for everyone to whom this imbecilic, power-abdicating “taking offense” character fault applies—it's time to buck the hell up and take your power back, buttercups!

While this take no prisoners assessment of mine may at first blush seem unreasonably harsh—tissue?—it is also my habit to double down upon my efforts whenever encountering those devoid of all self-respect, namely by personifying enough respect for the both of us, in the hope of embodying a worthy of imitation “monkey see, monkey do” role model.

To anyone so inclined: Before pitching a mental shit-fit over my unapologetically strident views about the stealthy, highly organized campaign of misinformation/disinformation regarding gender biology and natural human sexuality, get a grip on yourself. Specifically anyone “triggered” by my outrage over the cunning effectiveness of these same malevolent forces in nefariously hijacking and perversely twisting real “factual sexual science” into a pretzel of fake “bogus sexual science.” To whom the shoe fits—relax Exlax, anddo everyone a huge favor by ceasing to be so thin-skinned and knee-jerk reactive!

The thing is, your reaction actually says and additionally reveals much more about you and your thinkingand the effectiveness of your lifetime of brainwashing and programming—than it does anything about me and mine. Yet even so, surely we can agree to disagree without being disagreeable.

I, for one, would welcome that development with open arms. Consequently, it now bears repeating: If what you are presently reading in this article is “triggering” indignant upset or rage or otherwise unleashing whatever self-righteous cerebral clown show now being wheeled out from between your ears—how dare I!—take that as your cue to learn more about this matter by questioning and researching it on your own to prove me wrong—or mind you just perhaps possibly right.

Either way, here I stand and can do no other. For you see—


I worry not who will be offended if I speak the Truth;

I worry who will be mislead, deceived and destroyed if I don’t.


Good therapists tell you the truth about what they think. Hence, for anyone now starting to suspect or recognize that you have unknowingly allowed yourself to be culturally and socially brainwashed to buy into this load of gender bunk and tomfoolery—hook, line and sinker—I urge you to seek out an online support group. One with like-minded folks also taken in by the constant propaganda, suggestion and insistence conditioning covertly driving this ridiculous, false-hearted gender confusing program.

Without sugarcoating it—

Any gender ideology stating gender can be changed is a lie that flies in the face of natural law.

It is biologically impossible to change gender.

Period. End of story.

The Gender Industrial Complex is one of the most evil entities on the planet! Once you recognize this ever-expanding cult of bogus “gender spectrum” ideology for what it is—mental and emotional coercion—and realize your mind has been falsely imprisoned, your formidable task becomes throwing off the shackles of this despicable system.

Many of you, quite wisely, will want to know where to begin. Start with a mental “mass coronal ejection” of all rigid “woke” ideological rules, delusional observations and phony convictions. You must de-condition your mental slavery to naively adopted unwholesome programs in order to emancipate a re-conditioned wholesome mindset that brings about more of what you want and less of what you don't across-the-board in your life.

Specifically, I suggest you selectively join an online mental health support group for like-minded kindred spirits with common experiences and concerns just like yours similarly seeking assistance in their recovery from patently false and psychologically damaging fanatical woke psycho-sexual indoctrination. For regrettably, without mincing words, that is exactly what it is. Unlearning all the false indoctrination you’ve been programmed with will take time, patience and perseverance.

Your ideological repudiation will not be easy—largely due to heavy mental blackmail/social pressure from peevish others whining for you to conform to the prescribed orthodoxy and “correct-think” or be canceled for “wrong-think.” Shrug off any toe-the-line crybullying and to thine own genuinely authentic self stay true! Above all, remember—


“The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is hard business. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened.
But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.”

                                  Rudyard Kipling


In the final analysis, it is no simple task to deprogram your propagandized mass delusion in order to consequently rewire and regain your self-control to break free from this evil, “mental contagion” programming/authoritarian belief system which you have been pulled into. The difficulty of this task is compounded by the fact that not only do bad-ideas as such kill common sense, they result in feelings of belonging and community for everyone succumbing to these wicked “social viruses” via their willingness to follow the herd.

As Master Yoda instructed, You must unlearn what you have learned.Your mental and emotional wellbeing are worth the effort you muster to recover and protect them. Search online and on YouTube for self-empowering “woke and gender ideology deprogramming support” resources where you can both learn from and teach others rather than struggling on your own the hard way. I wish you strength and courage.

Yet be forewarned: Deprogramming yourself from infectious and cunningly deceptive “idea pathogens” takes time and effort; getting out of a cult is often as slow and gradual a process as getting into a cult. Escaping this lamentable position can only be done gradually; namely, by constant and intense self-directed effort towards transforming and reorienting your enchained mindset, thus allowing you to redirect your free will back into a positive direction.

Be that as it may—you've got this! By the same token, to anyone whom this insidious mind control indoctrination applies, a good place to start is by dumping everything so-called “woke” and jettisoning all of the unfounded gender garbage from the cubby of your cranium. Along with everything else counterfeit that you were fraudulently sold and naively bought into under the hidden pretense of misinformation and downright deceit from gender-identity radicals with poisonous doctrines of dangerous nonsense posing as teachers. In this worrisome age of artificial intelligence they are creating even more worrisome artificial stupidity.

All of which these corrupt, mentally and emotionally unstable extremists zealously promote and self-righteously teach to underhandedly shackle, radicalize and mentally molest the innocent and highly impressionable minds of our children and young adults. Including audacious attempts to subvert parental control by sponsoring secret after-school “satan clubs” and secret “Gender Transition Closets” behind the backs of parents!

Schools are a dangerous place for children. Con artist school teachers are actively undermining parents. They gaslight the minds of our youth to promote Luciferian and transgender ideologies, Marxist ideas and “social justice activism” that teaches children it's acceptable to defy their parents.

In the words of one radicalized transgender teacher, “The goal of the ‘trans closet’ is for our students to leave home wearing the clothes their parents approve of, come to school and then swap out into opposite gender clothing that fits who they truly are so they can ‘trans’ at school.” Intentionally without their parents knowledge.

So everyone is clear

They are coming for our children!

This is a spiritual war on children against God.

Lies, deception, scheming and temptations are the root of the dark forces’ evil.


The profoundly inappropriate sexualizing of our youth can adversely impact their emotional wellbeing and psychological mental health. These extremists are brainwashing, grooming and laying a Black Magic “mental spell” upon our children through mass suggestion and hypnosis.

Once a person takes leave from the reality-based community anything becomes possible—including the highly improbable and flat-out impossible—including garbage-science being passed off as “woke gender ideology,” which in actuality is anti-science.

To all whom this deliberate deceit and malicious misdirection applies, I implore you break free of it. To unshackle your mind, you must recognize this demented dogma for what it is—nothing but a steaming load of “virtue signaling” crap. Much of it proselytized under the cockeyed guise of hyper-inflated “moral grandstanding.” To everyone buying into this mass hysteria epidemic, I'm sorry to say—you’ve been totally duped!

The pervasive spread of “woke propaganda” into every segment of American society in recent years is waging World War by overtly undermining, overturning and destroying civility and traditions that have long assisted Humankind in governing itself and getting along.

This is a war over the moral foundations of our global civilization! It is a cunning offensive disguised as “progress” through insidiously idealistic brainwashing curriculum and propaganda promoting class, racial, and gender differences which its proponents wrongly yet vehemently insist have resulted in present day “social inequalities.”

What's more, this misguided “cult of wokism” dogma preposterously proposes to fix these exaggerated/made-up problems by abandoning authentic moral standards, and replacing them with completely unrealistic and counterfeit, hateful and destructive “woke goals and standards.”  

Be not deceivedwoke is nothing more than code for Marxism!

When in actuality, so-called “wokeness” is a categorically uncivil, harmful false virtue masquerading as beneficial while promoting meanness, intolerance, hatred and cruelty towards those who think, look, or act differently. What's up with that, right? If you ask me—woke is wack!


Once you understand that satanism is all about “inverting reality” and portraying evil as a virtue

will everything this satanic order does start to make sense.


Likewise, the promulgation of weaponized sexual misinformation/disinformation that has been disseminated over the past several decades—typically having no basis in scientific fact—continues to be taught openly and secretly by so-called “progressive” or “woke culture” or “politically correct” fanatics through profoundly inappropriate and highly sexualized education curricular.

These unfactual indoctrinating doctrines are overwhelmingly based on deviant, degenerate and destructive new dogmas and distorted fantasy ideologies. All of which are recklessly being promoted by dark elements within our society, governmental and educational systems in a manner that is neither age nor developmentally appropriate.

Case in point: Parents are complaining that their children are being hypersexualized and exposed to deviant sexual concepts and pornography at tender ages in school. Including activist teachers giving four-year old junior kindergartners “masturbation homework” assignments instructing them to identify places in their homes where they can “privately touch your penis or vulva if you want to.”

This is child abuse! So everyone is clear: School sanctioned age and developmentally inappropriate sexual curricular—and the pathological psycho-sexual indoctrination of our children—are categorically vile acts.

Equally contemptible, emboldened I know best activists and proponents of these detestable ideologies audaciously cross the line with their constant proselytizing of gender dysmorphia indoctrination and systematized pushing of age-inappropriate and scientifically preposteroustransgender transitioning/gender switching” propaganda nonsense upon our innocent school children. Be not deceived: Encouraging kids to “change” their gender is a crime against humanity!

This bankrupt mentality of moral narcissism now permeates throughout every strata of our society via schools, social media, sports, entertainment, culture, law enforcement, military, government and even religion, making it virtually impossible for anyone to escape unscathed from this mental disorder. For those not totally thunderstruck by it all, allow me to spell it out for you: This perverse indoctrinating doctrine is flat-out wrong, morally depraved and nothing short of CRIMINAL.

And thoroughly EVIL. Presently, sick-minded soulless degenerates—appallingly including numerous disreputable U.S. politicians and the utterly discreditable United Nations—are pushing hard to lower the legal age of sexual consent to 13 or less. Even going so far as to flagrantly claim that “Sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent may be consensual in fact, if not law.”

What’s more, pro-pedophile Evilists brazenly assert that “Current age of consent laws may be infringing on human rights.” Whose rights? Certainly not the children’s!

This old-school sexologist refuses to stay silent while child-molesters and other radical, sexually aberrant self-interests groups shamelessly in our face attempt to normalize grooming, pedophilia and other psychological pathological disorders and criminal activist ideologies coming straight from the pit of hell—oh, HELL NO, not on my watch!


“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.”

                              Albert Einstein


Unite with me now in taking a principled stand to protect our children and nation by calling out this deviltry. We cannot allow these radical sociopaths to succeed in this infernal subterfuge or they will destroy our culture and our country. It is time we take back our collective power and push back hard against this diabolically divisive, spiritually warped Marxist-Luciferian "Woke" ideology until we crush and defeat it.


Our best weapon is our unified voice—

I implore you to join me in boldly speaking out against this fiendish ideological agenda.


Starting by calling out grotesque and vulgar “Drag Queen Story Hour” events geared for children aged 3 to 11”—say WHAT?! And demanding that rogue high school teachers be disciplined for dancing on stage scantily clad in drag while performing raunchy shows for underage teenage students—without parental consent—as part of after-school “Gay Sexuality Alliance Clubs.”

Has our society gone completely unhinged from its collective mindwhat on Earth are people thinking?? In NO freaking multiverse is this degeneracy and utter depravity normal or healthy. It might all be laughable were it not so wicked. And therein lies the rub—and the fix.

Object lesson: People of good conscience must battle this darkness by speaking out against authoritarian brainwashing belief systems leading children and young adults down the road to hell and destruction. Our youth must be protected from childhood sexualization and allowed to grow up morally inviolated without being subjected to this repugnant nonsense.

We are presently living in a time of highly calculated, multi-decade implemented, malevolently manipulated social engineering and mass psychosis tyranny that is completely disconnected from reality. All of it originating from amoral, perverted and sociopathic so-called “global power elites” whose ill-disposed design is dedicated to keeping us endlessly distracted—look over here, not over there—confused and misdirected, weakened and divided from one another, towards ultimately separating us from our Soul Self and the love of God.

A favorite tactic frequently employed by these fiendish social and cultural manipulatorsstealthily operating around the globe from within the shadows—is to create dissension amongst us, the better to keep us distraught and preoccupied while they hide in plain sight flagrantly pursuing their wicked agendas. Specifically, by playing the victim, race, and gender cards against us—obvious today to anyone paying attention—through fabricated culture wars” purposefully designed to inflame and leave us divided, polarized, and drifting towards chaos.

Simply stated, under the cover of a linguistic “fog of war,” these self-described progressives—more accurately described as hell-bent purveyors of discord—adeptly deploy “words propaganda” to separate, incite and demonize specific segments of society. 

In effect, pitting people against one another with language so as to intentionally sow division and discord for power and control leading to social confusion and psycho-sexual upheaval. 

This is a demonic cult that is very obsessed with languageand collective obedience. To control people you have to control the way they think, and to control the way they think, you have to control their language through “cult words, definitions and ideologies.”

Hence, Orwellian “speech police/fact checkers” censor, bad-mouth and/or cancel anyone daring to disagree with their stealthy schemes to advance full-fledged war against traditional values. All in aim of further rolling out their societally destructive, insidiously insane and never-ending self-serving agenda after agenda after agenda against humanity.

Regrettably, it has proven a very effective tactic.

Consequently, I cannot in good conscience remain silent about it.


​Case in point—

The global elites’ masterminding of the ideological brainwashing pertaining nowadays to matters of gender, via calculated use/abuse of language for purposes of deception, disinformation and misdirection.


Allow me to un-muddle what I have now come to recognize as the intentional muddling of language by the Gender Cult specifically regarding the current cultural war of biological sex verses gender ideology impacting the bedrock of reality.

Namely, that in today's world, sex and gender are no longer the same as they once were.

My grade school 1960’s dictionary defines gender as “a member of one or the other sex.” In other words, gender was once a synonym for biological sex—that is, until more recent times when it was hijacked by the gender cult ideologues to gain a “semantic advantage” to entice and deceive people. And to crush dissent.

Specifically, gender cultists have covertly subverted the language to change gender’s meaning, which is a common tactic of the gender ideologues' malicious Marxists agenda in their headlong gallop into the abyss of social chaos and cultural insanity.

As a result, today when people speak about gender many are no longer referring to binary and immutable biological sex, inasmuch as the gender cultists have succeeded wildly in cleverly conflating gender cultural constructs with biological sex to imply they are one and the same—which they most certainly are not!

Plainly put: “gender” no longer equals “biological sex.” On the contrary, in today's brave new inside-out, upside-down, all mixed-up world, gender now applies only to language and cultural constructs, NOT to biology.

Accordingly, I now present the following definition on the authority of an early 1980’s Sex Atlas from my office library, “Biological sex is defined as a person’s maleness or femaleness.”

This comprehensive and detailed Sex Atlas further states that, “Biological sex is determined on the basis of five physical criteria:  chromosomal sex, gonadal sex, hormonal sex, internal accessory reproductive structures, and external sex organs.” It concludes this definition by stating, “People are male or female to the degree in which they meet the five physical characteristics for maleness or femaleness."

Quite simply:

In determining people’s biological sex—as in, their maleness or femaleness—we examine their bodies.

Strictly speaking—


“Sex” is a biological term, while “gender” is a psychological and cultural one—

and it is sex that forms the basis on which gender is built—

NOT the other way around!


In contrast, gender cult ideology/insanity assumes the metaphysical position that sex is neither binary nor immutable, and that one's gender “self-identification” has ontological significance that overrides one's biological sex. As in, “I pretend, therefore I am.”

Well, you're not—I'm afraid it doesn't work that way.

It is this same carefully crafted, ideological nonsense pretzel logic that is largely responsible for the gender confusion many people are experiencing today about gender identity and their own sexuality.

Consequently, while I sincerely regret having to burst anyone’s bubble who has fallen victim to the gender cult’s highly deceptive false narrative, I feel it my duty to declare that today’s “alphabet soup” of endless genders—other than for, of course, male and female—are nothing but made-up science fiction completely ungrounded in science, or for that matter, reality!

Moreover—for many otherwise good and decent yet gullible and terribly misguided people—the gender cult itself has subsequently evolved into a modern day, virtuously degenerate and vulgar religion that has flown the coop of moral righteousness.

For all intents and purposes, gender ideology has become a belief system that defiantly promotes shameless hedonistic individualism coupled with debased veneration of sexual inversion and perversionall crowned by the unholy celestial glorification of gender identity as its godhead.

Gender ideology manipulates the public by employing false narratives, and by catering to people's shallow self-interests, in its mad dash to the lowest common denominator. As plainly seen in their go-for-broke promotion of vulgar entertainment and unfettered indulgence in erotic and carnal desires, with the aim of capturing new converts and retaining the faithful.

This whole rotten schmear is presently being carried out via the "woke agenda," for the express purpose of undermining people's morality and judgment while deceitfully indoctrinating and mobilizing them to participate in revolution—nope; ain't gonna happen, not if this former Marine has any say!

Therefore, kindly allow a no-nonsense, old-school sexologist to now set the matter straight once and for all regarding human sexuality: Biology is what it is—unchangeable and irrevocable destiny.

In plain English:  There are biological males and there are biological females. Anything else is a cultural construct of inverted and perverted gender cult ideology, pharmacology and surgery.

All “woke-speak” gibberish aside: Gender is a fixed, not subject to change and unalterable matter of destiny by birth—DNA solely determines one’s sex.

Those under the spell of the mentally deranged gender cultists’ doctrines may not like hearing that, but it's a scientific fact. And while the pathologically driven gender cultists will undoubtedly continue to flip the truth on its head and spread lies to manipulate minds and hearts, basic biology/DNA science does not lie.

In the meantime, for anyone starting to realize you've been conned by the flimflamming extraordinaire Gender Industrial Complex—which in reality has no scruples, no shame, and no compassionyou are encouraged to take solace in the knowledge that “You shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

To change and improve your life and set yourself free forever from this harmful gender dogma, not only must you straighten your crooked thinking, you must also consistently take different actionstarting by totally rejecting this deliberately deceptive, retrogressive gender ideology and everything "woke"—to thereby reclaim your innate sexual sanity.

In the end, if you are to avoid being swallowed up by the dangerous quicksand of gender ideology—or for that matter, ANY ideology or worldview—you must ask yourself, "What are the facts; what is the truth that the facts bear out?" 

You must then stubbornly refuse to be diverted by what you wish to believe—no matter how very badly you want to believe—when the facts do not bear out the truth.

This same compact yet elegant formula can also be applied effectively to most any subject matter in your personal life to the same effect. Including factually suspect or incorrect, emotionally charged and socially contentious issues—along the lines of patently false claims of so-called "human-caused climate change," resulting in completely unwarranted climate anxiety and psychological distress for untold millions.

(For anyone level-headed and possessing an open mind interested in the facts supporting this admittedly argumentative assertion, check out my long-read article, "An Old-School Sexologist Speaks Out—..." also posted on LinkedIn, link provided below. When examined objectively, the jaw-dropping information contained within this in-depth exposé article could potentially transform your present perspective and forever shift your worldview.)

To sum it up, give this factual, reality-yielding precept a whirl whenever you really want to learn the truth about a situation.

And just so everyone is clear: Be assured my purpose for writing this essay is certainly not to personally attack or demonize individuals, nor to deny whatsoever anyone's "right to exist."

Quite the opposite, actually; my only intent is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and young adults the world over by restoring biological truth and exposing the lies continually being force-fed to the public by the behind-the-scenes Evilists.

Allow me to connect the dots for you:  This gender madness is not an organic social contagion by any means. Rather, it is a long-planned, covert psychological operationdevised by international non-governmental organizations owned and operated by Satanic elites, and run by their puppet assets—which in recent years has successfully permeated and completely corrupted western governments, health and education around the world.

For what it’s worth, you should probably know I'm no "Johnny come lately" when it comes to advocating for both sexual health and sexual rights for all.

Far from it—as previously noted, I've been at it now for over 40 years, beginning in my mid-twenties back in 1982 as a volunteer first responder HIV/AIDS prevention street outreach sexual health educator in the then brutally AIDS-decimated French Quarter of New Orleans. Continuing ever since for over four decades as a fierce and longstanding defender of sexual rights and outspoken activist for the legalization of same-sex marital rights.

Also as earlier noted, anyone curious about my lifetime commitment to sexual equality for all can review my many essays on the subject via the below link to my “Sexual Rights are Human Rights” webpage located on this same website within Dr. M's Free Archive.

Come what may, the gender cult's spawn of genderism will ultimately reveal itself for what it really is: A false, demonic ideology that eventually ruins everything with which it comes into contact.

All things considered, in the final analysis—gender ideology extremism is a lethal cultural cancer of the truth that must be eradicated from society.

Make no mistake about it: The purely rotten intention of the powerful yet hidden, psychopathic and malevolent, sick f*ck puppet masters quietly pulling the strings behind this and other demonically warped ideologiesaudaciously including the "normalization" of pedophilia!—is to CONTROL THE MASSES.

While an admittedly harsh appraisal, if you knew but half of what I know about these demonic monsters and their centuries of perpetrating ruthless and sickening crimes against humanity, you would call them the same or worse.

Believe me when I say the pain and suffering these soulless Evilists have long inflicted—and continue to inflict to this day—upon humanity is far, far more despicable than you can possibly imagine and will make you vomit.

Evil drip-by-drip being ushered into western societies worldwide via abusive Marxists' public policies peddled by their corrupt and backstabbing, bought and paid for traitors/supposed political leaders, working in cahoots with seditious mass media shills sowing the seeds of division in order to social engineer schisms between people.

All of it diabolically orchestrated by these same political tricksters with the malevolent intent of channeling the rage of individuals into collective hatred and social chaos, with the eventual Marxist goal of overthrowing the existing social order.

Meanwhile, as is now plainly self-evident in many western countries invaded in recent years with illegal migrants, creating a perfect environment for the dark side to exploit fear while societal breakdown occurs in order to expand its powers.

The better to distract, misdirect and control us for their categorically greedy gain and inhumane mass eugenics depopulation agenda.

Yes, that's right—depopulation, as in genocidethese blasphemous blackhearts arrogantly delight in playing God!

If you doubt me, research the “Georgia Guidestones” and prepare yourself for a shock. As that old psychological chestnut rightly warns, “Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're NOT out to get you.” Make no mistake: These sick, obsessively hateful Evilists are arrogance incarnate, spiteful, deceitful, cruel, and stand for nothing short of conscious malevolence with the desire for deliberate destruction, thoughtfully and completely. They are dedicated to the propagation of pain and unnecessary suffering of Humankind 24/7. Moreover, these “enemy of humanity are the very archetype of Evil, the embodiment of pure hatred of Humankind and God”—and they know full well the misery which they gleefully perpetrate and heap upon us.

As accurately discerned by distinguished Canadian psychologist Dr. Jordan B. Peterson:

“There are some actions that are so intrinsically terrible that they run counter to the proper nature of human Being.
This is true essentially, cross-culturally – across time and place.
These are evil actions. No excuses are available for engaging in them.”


Likewise, towards furthering their debased self-serving agendas, these sociopathic wolves in sheep's clothing relentlessly instruct us to “follow the science”—which in reality is a religious cult of self-indulgent, perverted-science dogma—all while they deceptively swap out vestment robes for white coats and shamelessly self-anoint and self-appoint themselves “High Priests and Major Prophets” of this brave new world religion of Bogus Science. Let me be clear: Not only do they want us to blindly “follow the science,” they want us to follow their opinions and dictates—and do it all without question!

News flash: Questioning science is science! But not to these criminally insane “power trippers,” to whom the corrupt science-industrial complex exists for manipulation and control. In the enemy's playbook, there are no facts; all definitions are merely made up for their own gain, excluding everything that does not directly or indirectly benefit their ideological agenda.

If you can't question it, it’s not science, it’s propaganda. Beware of all who say to do as you’re told unquestioninglyfor such people are almost always morally, ideologically, and spiritually bankrupt.

Think about it. I suggest you stop now for a few moments to absorb all of what I just said. Better still, I urge you to re-read the six preceding short paragraphs above as many times as it takes until it really sinks in. And do your research. For plainly put, once you put on your critical thinking cap, it doesn't take a “conspiracy theorist” to connect the dots!

While I'm well aware that this warning may come across as rather alarmist at best—and as a completely over the top bonkers rant of a madman at worst—I assure you that I have not overstated the case. Suffice it for me to say, the evil they are orchestrating is much more monstrous than I am prepared to describe in this article. For now, just know that their hidden agenda is nothing short of anti-human, and no one on the side of humanity would ever consider aligning themselves with these malevolent beings or their audacious genocidal agenda.

And even while diabolically brilliant, this agenda is utterly demonic, and for that reason alone I am comforted and deeply heartened that in God's perfect time, their evil-minded scheme is doomed to fail, and fail it shall miserably. And not to get all “holy roller” on you, however, I personally believe that this is a spiritual battle between good and evil—and while the devil and demons are real, so are angels and God—and in the end, Prime Creator wins.

No doubt that last comment will push a few buttons and leave some readers unconvinced: Reallythe devil?? Fair enough, and yes, really—the devil. I can almost see the eye rolls and hear the groans, but hear me out. As I've just stated, I’m no holy roller.

Yet once you understand that their demonic “god” is transgender, you start to understand what this current “transgender push agenda” is actually all about.

In the truest sense of the word these sociopaths literally worship the devil. Permit me to elucidate—

For starters, transgenderism is nothing new, but is in fact quite ancient. It is actually a religious practice going all the way back to the old pagan mystery religions. Lucifer himself is often portrayed by occultists as an androgynous being, and in occult literature often referred to as the “divine androgyne,” or in other words, “he-she.” In essence, the androgyne of ancient times is now being resurrected under the banner of “transgenderism.”

Want a shock? Today's culture is riddled with transgenderism, and not how you think. I know this will sound ludicrous, but a staggering number—basically all—of our best-known, beloved pop culture idols and heart-throbs, TV/movie stars, performers, pro athletes, celebs, corporate big-shots, prominent politicians, expert scientists, “royals,” famous historical figures, etc., etc., etc.—present, past and long past—are covertly gender inverted and in a transgender-Luciferian cult. They have been hiding in plain sight and gender bamboozling us for many, many generations. But that's a whole 'nother mind-bending story for a different time.

Crazy? Maybe—but then again, “crazy” is often somebody who figures out the truth before most people. For now, just know this is what's going on and make of it what you will. Better yet, start your own investigation by searching “celeb transvestigation elite gender inversion” (#EGI) then brace yourself for impact!

The wicked intention of this ancient celebration of androgyny was and still is to blur and eventually obliterate clear distinctions between male and female genders and characteristics, so everyone can became “one” with each other through what amounts to “psycho-sexual confusion.”

The real purpose of the hidden Evilist masterminds is not to improve the wellbeing of the extremely rare few amongst us genuinely having the exceptionally uncommon affliction of gender dysphoria whom certainly deserve our respect and sympathy. In actuality, these sociopaths view gay and transgender people as nothing more than props to create psycho-sexual confusion that ushers in their radical adult sexual ideology. Plainly put: They have hijacked the gay and transgender community and couldn’t care less about them!

Their evil end-game is to eradicate the present American Judeo-Christian culture our country was founded and built upon, and replace it with their demonic Luciferian culture—and so everyone is clear—I’m 100% dead serious. Their purely ungodly intention is to end freedom and democracy and establish a worldwide Marxist communist new world order that openly worships satan.

You just can’t make this stuff up. As the old saying goes, “When truth is blurred by lies and misinformation, perception becomes reality and all is lost.” Alas today, perception is quickly becoming “reality” for many. A sad hellscape of modern existence false reality, which unfortunately many good but confused people have bought into lock, stock and barrel. For those of us who have not bought into this twisted and nefarious agenda, it is our duty—to our children, young adults and country—to call it out loudly and vigorously wherever it raises its demonic head.

In summary, the entire goal of this androgyny—now called transgenderism—agenda is the transformation of society through the removal of boundaries by blending opposites (male/female) into “one.” While begrudgingly acknowledging they have long been doing a damn good job of it, I have no doubt whatsoever they shall not prevail. Namely, due to ever increasing numbers of morally upright Americans and righteous people the world over catching on to their sinister mind manipulation schemes, and in one unified voice bellowing “Enough is enough!” while taking action to crush this evil agenda forever.

Turning now to the current matter of gender/transgender exploitation, while I take no pleasure in bursting anyone's bubble to whom this vile sexual and gender mis-information/dis-information/confusion/dysphoria propaganda campaign of damned lies and deliberate deceptions applies and continues to cause grave harm, burst it to smithereens I must!

I am aghast over those in the medical field attempting to normalize the cavalier usage of dangerous cross-sex hormone inhibiting/puberty blocking medications and other so-called “gender affirming” medications that can cause permanent damage. Including websites geared to teens as young as 13 on how to get cross-sex hormones without parental consent.

I am likewise alarmed over the altogether indefensible promotion of irreversible so-called “sex change” transgender mutilation surgeries for anyone under the age of 25, which is when science has proven the prefrontal cortex of the human brain—responsible for making judicious and rational decisions—completes its full development.

Adults who should know better—parents, psychologists and doctors—must cease affirming children's brainwashed delusions. Parents are responsible for children who are unable to understand the long-term consequences of their decisions. The fact of the matter is that children do not possess the cognitive capacity to give meaningful informed consent for these medically abusive dismembering procedures!

Now is as good a time as any for me to completely debunk the idea of "treating" so-called gender dysphoria with hormones or surgery, which many reputable doctors and scientists, myself included, consider akin to performing lobotomies on the mentally ill decades ago.

For this reason I believe all medically maiming “sex change” interventions—so-called “top” and “bottom” surgeries—on children to be ill-conceived and utterly barbaric atrocities. 

So there is no misunderstanding: Harm is coming from the medical and mental health establishments, state, and schools who are embracing and imposing these dangerous, extremist "conversion therapy" doctrines upon impressionable children! 

Moreover, and for the record, it is this sexologists' decided opinion that so-called "gender affirmation therapy" is—in no way, shape or form therapy, but rather—a Marxist-Luciferian ideology driven, malevolent attempt to "groom" children into accepting the preposterous idea they were somehow born in "the wrong body." An idea which is—and in a sane world would be plainly self-evident as such—categorically impossible and completely unconscionable. 

For anyone wanting to learn more about the high-level treachery and skullduggery being conducted worldwide by the globalist "Deep State" Death Cult—in which pedophilia is a central, elemental piece of a planet-wide scale, diabolical jigsaw puzzle course of action that replaces national sovereignty and individual freedom with a Marxist-Luciferian totalitarian "One World government"—I recommend reading my detailed exposé article on the subject (also located on this site within Dr. M's Free Archive). It's entitled, "An Old-School Sexologist Speaks Out— Part II: Connecting the Dots Between Pedophilia and the Globalist Deep State Death Cult" and calls out the promotion of this dangerous gender-cult ideology lie for what it is: Pure evil! 

Accordingly, I unconditionally advocate that all such despicable medical violence be outlawed to protect those far too young to comprehend the drastic repercussions which may follow from the making of permanent, life-altering decisions at such a vulnerable age and stage in their development. Namely, unforeseen consequences later arising from having made huge, major life choices as a minor or young adult that as a fully mature adult he or she comes to regret deeply for the rest of their lives.

In the name of Almighty God—


Leave the children alone!



Pro-mutilation hospitals providing experimental “minor gender transition” procedures on children are engaging in flat-out child abuse! In my strongest professional opinion, radical “gender-altering” interventions that surgically maim and chemically poison our youth are a travesty of medicine disregarding many other factors contributing to a more likely than not transient childhood gender dysphoria.

Genuine gender professionals understand that the great majority of young people who say they are not comfortable in their body desist from that claim once they have gone through adolescence. Many are suffering from psychological and/or emotional comorbidities, autism, depression, social conditioning, peer pressure and still deeper problems. I consequently believe them to be unethical and in need of being criminalized and prohibited for anyone under age 25 to procure.

And even then, only after the individual undergoes a minimum full year, ideally longer, of psychological assessments and intensive sexual therapy prior to all medical procedures. Preferably provided by a professionally educated sex therapist possessing an advanced counseling psychology degree—thus ensuring they are a mentally stable/appropriate candidate before undergoing irreversible medical intervention.

In the final analysis: Mental illness, internal conflicts, trauma and psychological wounds between the ears will never be healed with so-called “gender affirming” hormones or irreparable mutilation surgery between the legs!

As an eminently credentialed and accomplished sexual scientist motivated by the desire to help others—and as a streetwise sex therapist whose mental health expertise addresses all matters pertaining to human sexuality, healthy and unhealthy, normal and abnormal—I am highly qualified to assess and comment upon current events impacting sexual health, psychological fitness and overall wellbeing. Subsequently, it is my studied assessment that we are now living in a world which alarmingly has—by careful playbook-plotted design—not only gone stark raving mad but utterly abandoned its moral compass to boot.

We have a serious mental health crisis in this country and it needs to be addressed. I am well aware that my point of view challenges the prevailing party line amongst a great many of my well-meaning though nonetheless disinformed and naively hoodwinked fellow mental health professional colleagues. Lucky for me I am not looking to win any popularity contests. To any longtime friends and peers disagreeing vigorously with my position, bless your hearts—prove me wrong.

For yet once more, here I stand and can do no other—silence is complicity.


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

                                                     Edmund Burke


It is time for all whom are righteous to unite against these evil forces and—fortified by the convictions of our morality—smite this incredibly dark foulness.


Big shout-outto Twitter's laudable "B illboard C hris" and on-off-on again Twitter-banned "G AYS AGAINST G ROOMERS"

for opposing “the  sexualization, indoctrination, and medicalization of children.”

More power to you!


Reassuringly, I am far from alone in taking a strident position of righteous resistance on behalf of all humanity, young, old and everywhere in between. Those whom have eyes to perceive, ears to discern and a mind to critically think for themselves grows daily in numbers. The Truth is now being revealed for everyone to observe the lies for themselves, despite the dark side's increasingly frantic—and failing—efforts to control the narrative as they always have previously.

Speaking of frantic last-ditch efforts, now is as good a time as any to drop a relevant and admittedly mind-blowing bombshell: Namely, while it may understandably sound completely outlandish at first, don't be fooled if/when in the not-so-distant future the dark side stages their decades-long planned, simulated yet nonetheless devastatingly violent and destructive “fake alien invasion” catastrophic attack upon major cities.

We must likewise be prepared for a staged “fake friendly alien rescue”, via huge 3D holographic images of venerated religious deities projected in the sky above major cities around the world to initiate a so-called “spiritual apocalypse.” Each of these deceptions—fake alien invasion and fake alien rescue—will utilize the dark side's secret weaponized earth-originating space craft and/or advanced CGI holographic technologies in a desperate “false flag” attempt to stop the continued unraveling of their maniacally evil Plans.

Particularly their Plans to consolidate and expand their self-serving powers to initiate a totalitarian “new world order” and despicable depopulation agendaall of which we must stubbornly resist. Once again, you just can't make this stuff up, folks! Do your own research on “Project B l u e B e a m” and the death bed confessions of WWII-era Nazi Germany pioneer rocket scientist Wernher von Braun—whom postwar thanks to “Project P a p e r c l i p” became NASA’s chief aerospace moon missions engineer—then come to your own conclusions. While it sounds batshit crazy, what if?

Keep an open mind is all I'm saying. I've written about these potential mass casualty fake alien invasion and fake alien rescue Plans in previous articles posted on LinkedIn. For an in-depth introduction to the subject of Earth politics and extraterrestrial life, visit Dr. Michael Salla's website at www.exopolitics.org. Dr. Salla is a tireless researcher and renowned pioneer in the development of ‘Exopolitics’, the political study of the key actors, institutions and processes associated with extraterrestrial life. What Dr. Salla has to say is guaranteed to blow your mind—the Truth has a tendency of doing that—which is usually a good thing.

The more factual knowledge and understanding you gain regarding how dark elements of our society, government and educational systems have long and methodically hijacked the Truth about reality in general—and particularly in matters of healthy and happy sexuality regardless of your gender or orientation—the more it will serve to liberate rather than enslave you. As is in fact now the case, although you may not as yet have come to realize it. All the more reason I humbly implore you to take me at my word that you are being played by the completely wicked “power elite predator class players hiding in the shadows who most assuredly do not have your best interests in mind!

The good news is that each and every day that passes more and more of the Truth is being revealed to the world as awareness grows about the concealed truths and massive blockade of lies being told to humanity by those comprising this rabidly inhumane parasite class faithfully executing the immoral bidding of their “hidden Master in the Stars,” Lucifer. And I'm dead serious—not for nothing is it said that the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.

Not only does the devil actually exist, “the father of lies”—primarily through his fawning vermin army of debased Earthly minions—has never been busier in a desperate, yet ultimately doomed to fail, last-ditch attempt to hide their mare's-nest of megalomaniacal lies and secrets. Deliberate lies and secrets that have been carefully built and guarded over centuries in order to keep people everywhere—other than those within this ruling global power elite “one big club that you ain't in”—from knowing essential information that all humanity the world over should rightly possess. Along with callously denying us access to scientific advances and breakthrough technologies benefiting all Mankind.

And to anyone so inclined—read that successfully mind-control programmed—it's useless to call it a so-called “conspiracy.” The tyranny of the “Deep State” satanic global controller power network is now on full display for everyone to behold in awe their “beautiful flare of ruin” as these criminal creatures very publicly self-immolate! Thankfully now before our very observant eyes, an almost unimaginably gigantic dam of utterly damning lies is beginning to fail and collapse.

Exposing and outing for all to see the age-old evil long perpetrated by the Deep State's Marxist/Luciferian worshipping so-called world leaders and prominent public figures present, past, and long past—going back millennia, yes, millennia. All of whom shamelessly lied and betrayed their entrusted positions by selling-out their fellow Brothers and Sisters in Eternity for egomaniacal power and personal gain. Actions have consequences; I wouldn't want to be them.

The rot is deep! These vile quislings and treasonous governments against the people are not only dedicated to working against the best interests of the United States and of their own countries—through never-ending subterfuge, deceit, and treacheries—but also against the best interests of humanity the entire world over. The rot must first be revealed before it can be replaced by something better. Thankfully, now is indeed the time of the Great Revealing—humanity is presently being liberated and a new age dawns—and absolutely nothing whatsoever can stop it!


(Note: For anyone wanting to learn more about this unprecedented, presently ongoing attack upon our very humanity, personal freedoms, and free will sovereignty, I suggest reading my in-depth 2020 article detailing the mind-boggling back-story behind current events. It's entitled “Red Pill” Critical Thinking Tips for Staying Grounded in a Crazy Inside-Out, Upside-Down, All Mixed Up World and is located on my counseling website within Dr. M’s Free Archive:  http://lovekindly.com/red.pill.critical.thinking.html

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March 2022 Update:

The last two years of the worldwide pandemic have profoundly impacted and inescapeably changed each of us, our nation, and our world.

To snap out of our collective "post-pandemic trance" requires digging deep to reestablish a firm foothold in reality from which to live in free will sovereignty and break free from the intentionally harmful, socially controlling, trance-inducing, false reality brainwashing/programming constantly bombarding us from all angles—more so today than in any other time of humanity's recorded history.

For in real world reality, life is lived on a slippery slope, the understanding of which yields invaluable lessons for those paying attention. If we’re lucky, the angle of that slope will have a high ratio of happiness and joy to a low ratio of sadness and tears.

And while it might be tempting to try were it not impossible to actually succeed, when we avoid exposing ourselves to life’s decidedly sad downside we unintentionally yet resultantly rob ourselves from an equal amount of life’s decidedly happy upside. Likewise, though we may attempt to avoid suffering at all costs, unfailingly it will find us when we least expect it. In the end, happiness and sadness are two sides of the same coin. As understood by the deeply insightful psychologist Dr. Carl Jung, “Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness. The word ‘happy’ would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.”

This holds especially true in matters of extending ourselves in love to others. It cannot be denied: While it is indeed a risky thing to lovefor to open our hearts in love is to open and expose our ourselves in vulnerability to the loss of that same loveit is riskier still not to.


Consequently, in the end, you must take on board the idea that it is our ability

to cope with and recover well from life’s losses and disappointments

that ultimately determines our happiness and overall wellbeing.


We must learn to tolerate discomfort and times when things don’t go our way without going all to pieces. There is simply no way around it—we have to go through it or stay stuck. And while it might not be easy or pleasant, it is essential to our wellbeing and part of being human. We must also learn to grieve and mourn our major life losses and disappointments when grieve and mourn we must, the better to help us to remember, more fully appreciate, and indeed celebrate all the good things in our life. Rejecting this basic reality only makes life more difficult and miserable.

Likewise, grieve and mourn we must especially when life has thrown us under the bus, slammed and broken as we may consequently feel. Suffering is part of the human condition; accepting suffering is vital to our wholeness and health. Wellness requires that we stubbornly rally with every fiber of our emotionally battered being to fully “accept what is for what is”—no matter how dearly we may wish it were not so—and as always, the sooner the better so as to most effectively deal with "what's next" accordingly. In short, when we are suffering we must effort to accept it as real, rather than deny or otherwise minimize it as an annoyance to be dealt with in some distant future.

t is for good reason that unresolved conflict is the Number One cause for ending marriages—what we resist, persists. Which reminds me: I suggest you forget all about that tired load of unequivocally sexist “Happy Wife, Happy Life happy horseshit—in this relationship counselor's book, all good marriages (read that as happy and healthy) are a two-way street composed of equals. In short, what's good for the goose is good for the gander—and, of course, vice versa.

As each of Dr. Michael's couples counseling clients quickly come to learn, there is another, much better way to personify and demonstrate unconditional love and mutual respect for one another within a vibrant and mutually rewarding relationship. For when all is said and done, the best and most fulfilling relationships are fundamentally about two people taking good care of one another.

Simply put, for happy couples who go the distance in co-creating fulfilling relationships with the least amounts of frustration and resentment, the highest priority and goal is “Happy Spouse, Happy House!” The happiest couples amongst us actually effort—yes, that's right, effort, for love is a verb—to make one another happy simultaneously. Including taking their mate's legitimate complaints at face value and working together for as long as it takes until they find mutually agreeable resolutions. The old folk wisdom stating that a good marriage requires 200% effort, split equally amongst both partners, still applies today.

In the end, what happens in life is not as important as how you react to what happens in life. Towards furthering your resolute acceptance of reality no matter how it shows up in your world, for anyone so inclined, reciting the following wisdom contained within Reinhold Niebuhr’s exquisite “Serenity Prayer”—I suggest doing so three times in a row with sincere earnestness—can provide both refuge and strength, especially during Life's storms. It is a great way to start your day upon waking daily, even before getting out of bed:


“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can,

And wisdom to know the difference.”


Focus on the things you can control, not the things you can’t. And remember, identifying the difference is often the biggest part of the battle! Only when we stop denying and/or minimizing our reality, and only then mind you, can we begin competently efforting to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps to appropriately address, eventually heal, and ultimately let go of and move on from our pain. Yet first, we must become aware of that nattering inner voice that “owns” us. 

This we do by carefully listening to and monitoring our thoughts, feelings and actions, and whenever necessary, changing our “inner narrative” of what we’re telling ourselves about the situation, ideally, in ways that uplift rather than depress us. For when all is said and done, no one in your life communicates more frequently with you than you do. All the more reason to vigilantly “mind your mindset!”

Speaking of uplifting, one of the warmest and wisest songs in my opinion ever written —featuring beautiful, soulfully authentic and hauntingly sensitive Rhythm and Soul vocals and piano—is also chock-full of uplifting wisdom and profound humanity:


“Sometimes in our lives we all have pain, we all have sorrow.

 But if we are wise, we know that there's always tomorrow.”

 Bill Withers, Lyrics to “Lean On Me” (1972)


Along with life’s ups and downs—amidst its glorious victories in the best of times and its bitter disappointments in the worst—the infallible approach of unequivocally accepting what is for what is, followed by effectively dealing with it, serves as a major reminder of human development that is emblematic of how we acquire gifts that mature and enrich our lives going forward. And moreover, often while helping to bring about unexpected bounties that inadvertently equip us with new tools for future triumphs and success. Such is the formula we are wise to follow for creating and living a rich, well lived life.

In conclusion, it remains inevitable life will occasionally succeed in landing gut-wrenching sucker-punches that leave us temporarily doubled over and gasping for air. Even so, it’s nonetheless never so much “the what” that has just occurred but always much more “the how” of our thoughtful responses (or lack thereof) which ultimately determines “what’s next” in our life. To put it another way—our personal psychological resilience is largely determined by the recovery we either choose to take or not to take, which in turn, influences how quickly or slowly we bounce back from adversity and sorrow.

In the end we must let it go. Regardless of the particular matter at hand, it is only by accepting what is for what it is that we can ultimately let go of the struggle, thereby putting a stop to our endless grieving and allowing us to finally move forward with our life—for life does indeed go on.

Whether its overcoming a threat or recovering from life’s hardships, the best policy is to face our challenges head on and without delay, eyes wide open and with no fear. Doing so immediately cuts the threat or hardship in half, and best positions ourselves to adapt and overcome as circumstances require until such time that we prevail. All the better to quickly rebound with a wide smile upon our face and songs of joy within our heart as we lean back and strut-strut-strut along the Road to Happiness!

Over the past four decades, I’ve contrived to learn a ton about human sexuality, behavioral change, relationships, people, and myself that would take many volumes to share—and indeed I've written a three-volume series entitled "A User's Guide to Your Mind" available for purchase online from most major book sellers for anyone wishing to read more.

While you're at it, don't forget to check out my FREE library of classic articles on life, love, relationships, sexuality and much more that I've penned over the decades on my counseling website within Dr. M’s Free Archive page: http://lovekindly.com/archive.html

In closing, when all is said and done, I've managed to distill my personal philosophy for developing, welcoming and sustaining love in our life—with the express goal of helping everyone get along well with others—into the following single sentence:


Love is about accepting people as they are without judgment

 or need to change anything about them.


Flawed and fallible human that I am, each day upon waking I reverently call upon the Absolute whom we call God to come into and guide me in living an exemplary life. Mainly, by personifying loving kindness and compassion to all, and efforting to align myself—my Soul Self—with Truth and Universal Mind through virtuous action. At this autumn transition into winter juncture of my life and career, my heartfelt intention (if I am fortunate) is to persist in conducting my life with impeccable integrity as I carry on my global-wide practice as a counseling sexologist for many more years—in service to all, in service of the Universal One.

Namely, by offering my counseling, therapy, guidance and education services, along with precious hope, thereby making a positive difference in the world for as long as people seek my services and Providence sees fit—assuming of course that between now and then I don’t lose too many more marbles along the way! And while the preceding small-scale attempt at levity will likely at best result in an equally small-scale outcome of hilarity, it nonetheless represents yet another of my personal core convictions in life:


It is our vital task in life that we learn to laugh at ourselves

and at our situations when necessary;

for when we can’t, we’re much more liable to crack and crack up bad!


It is my hope this essay proves to be useful and empowering while also affirming your sound thinking and revealing your unsound thinking. Be assured I need to remind myself periodically to heed the same counsel that I have offered to you today. Feel free to share and repost this article anywhere you see fit.

All the best—and more power to you,
Dr. Michael


Anyone wanting to learn more about the unprecedented, ongoing attack and spiritual war against our children and world society is encouraged to peruse my 40-45-minute read, 2020 Linked In article detailing the mind-boggling ideological agenda behind this present cultural and gender war, entitled,

“A No-Nonsense Sexologist Unapologetically Tells It Like It Is—
Three Genders Only & Woke is Wack!”

Simply click the link below to read this article posted here on this website within Dr. Michael's Free Archive:



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Specializing in
WORLDWIDE Telephone Counseling Services Since 1981

~ Where real change takes place one person at a time ~

Dr. Michael is a long-time pioneer of distance counseling.
He is a professionally trained telephone counselor with over 40 years of telephone counseling experience.

Dr. Michael is a proficient and well-seasoned distance counselor. He was an early adapter of telehealth distance consulting via telephone counseling beginning in 1981, and online guidance beginning in 1995. Unlike the vast majority of untrained and woefully unprepared self-described "distance counselors" sprouting-up like mushrooms overnight recently, no doubt with well-intended yet naively overconfident proposals of providing "Telephone Counseling" or other distance services, in actuality

Dr. Michael is a highly qualified, talented, and eminently EXPERIENCED distance counseling specialist.

Beginning his counseling career in 1981 as a young newly-minted clinician, the future Dr. Michael—over the course of the next five years—chose to specialize in the delivery of high-quality telephone counseling by training as a 24-Hour crisis intervention and suicide prevention telephone helpline counselor with the New Orleans Crisis Line.

In 1986, Dr. Michael concluded his five year "baptism by fire" crisis hotline counselor apprenticeship to pursue full-time academic study within two specialized graduate school programs in preparation of becoming the highly-trained and credentialed marriage/couples counselor and sex therapist he is today; subsequently earning his master of arts degree in clinical counseling psychology in 1989 and doctorate degree in clinical sexology in 1994.

Over three decades of telephone and office counseling experience with many thousands of clients WORLDWIDE
have richly seasoned Dr. Michael and helped him evolve into an exceptionally proficient clinician.


Dr. Michael continues to excel in rendering aid, comfort and precious hope today,
whether face-to-face in his Hawai'i office or WORLDWIDE telephonically.


Call now for your FREE telephone consultation.

Helping You to Manifest 
Your Whole & Healthy Perfected Self
Throughout Your Entire Life




Sexual Wellness
With Help Comes Hope

Specializing as a Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) clinician, Dr. Michael is a no-nonsense, old-school sexologist utilizing only the most effective and proven approaches in cognitive behavioral counseling and psychological empowerment. Dr. Michael's area of expertise is in helping people change behaviors, overcome problems and increase happiness. Through his global psychotherapy practice he provides discreet, completely confidential and leading-edge mental health care to clients locally, nationally, and internationally via telephone distance counseling.

As a highly credentialed and accomplished sexual scientist and clinical counseling sexologist whose comprehensive expertise addresses all matters pertaining to human sexuality both healthy and unhealthy, normal and abnormal, Dr. Michael is eminently qualified to assess, diagnose and provide treatment for most mental, emotional, and behavioral issues impacting sexual health and intimacy, psychological fitness and overall wellbeing.

Take courage dear friend, you are not alone in your struggle, for help is at hand. Be kind to yourself and seek out counseling today if you are feeling anxious or depressed, struggling sexually or navigating thorny relationship challenges and can't seem to shake it. Be assured there is no stigma associated with seeking mental health care; on the contrary, optimum mental health wellbeing is for everyone.

By affirming ownership of your life and your inner narrative you prioritize your mental health and intimate relationships with others. What's more, when you truly care for yourself, you put yourself in a much stronger place that benefits everyone around you in addition. In plain speak, the more you evolve and advance in understanding, personal insight and interpersonal awareness, the more your relationships with everyone evolve, advance and improve as well.

And the best part is it all begin by being kinder, gentler, and more forgiving with yourselfso easy does it. 

As an exceptionally perceptive behavioral health clinician, Dr. Michael skillfully assists his clients in manifesting their harmonious, whole and healthy perfected selfboth in and out of the bedroom. Specifically by assisting clients in identifying and releasingand when required, challenging, disputing, refuting, reframing, revising, reprogrammingtheir mental and emotional attitudes of all self-sabotaging programs and unhealed patterns, deceptive defective social programming, ruminating negative thinking, resentments, grudges, regrets, co-dependency, emotional wounds, traumas, and wrong conclusions.

All of which continue to cause otherwise avoidable pain and suffering in our lives and relationships until they are appropriately addressed, reharmonized and healed, and whenever necessary, forgiven and released. These are the winning strategies necessary to effectively deal with our emotional, mental, physical, social and spiritual maladies, thereby leveling life’s playing field to go forward with greater ease and increased positive expectation in our daily living. Only henceforth without being constantly seized in the clutches of fear, doubt and negativity.

Sound good to you so far? If the answer is yes, then call Dr. Michael today to discuss getting started in manifesting your own harmonious, whole and healthy perfected self. Chances are good you will thank yourself for it later.

Nothing replaces a face-to-face visit with your doctor. While it would be ideal to meet together in person it could prove expensive and impractical. Fortunately, with over three decades of providing telephone counseling experience under his belt, Dr. Michael's telephone sessions reflect the same care, concern, and effectiveness as his face-to-face consultations.

When it comes to such important matters as your personal sexuality and the health and happiness of your intimate relationships, it’s essential to know that you’re working with an accomplished, skilled, and seasoned clinician you can trust. Whether you seek face-to-face or telephone distance counseling, therapy and guidance, or online guidance, individually or as a couple, Dr. Michael will assist you in a safe, relaxed, and open environment. You can depend on receiving competent, effective and confidential care and above all, high-quality results-oriented treatment.

Private home consultations anywhere in the world are sometimes available for clients seeking intensive in person treatment within the privacy and comfort of your home. Dr. Michael specializes in providing accelerated intensive therapy and 100% discreet treatment to celebrities and high-profile individuals. Please call for details.



Serving Hawai'i Since 1994

WORLDWIDE Distance Counseling Services

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Dial 808.965.8800 and ask for Dr. Michael